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Morris Jeff United Educators

MJUE Contract Ratification and Signing

Morris Jeff United Educators Ratify their third Collective Bargaining Agreement with Morris Jeff Community School

Contract includes new paid parental leave, substantial raises, and improvements to educators' quality of life.

NEW ORLEANS, LA - On Tuesday December 19, Morris Jeff United Educators, a chapter of the United Teachers of New Orleans, signed their newest collective bargaining agreement with Morris Jeff Community School.  The Contract was ratified by the MJCS Board on Monday, December 11 and by the Union on Wednesday, December 13. 80% of Union members voted, with 98% in support of ratification. This is the third contract between the Union and the school, and was negotiated over the course of the calendar year.


Morris Jeff United Educators Letter of Concern: Planning for School Reopening Jan, 2021


Dear Superintendent Lewis and NOLA-PS Board Members,


Today we are writing to share our concerns about when and how we will resume in-person learning. We support the decision that NOLA-PS made to pivot to distance learning the week of January 4th. However, even in the short time of in-person learning (Jan. 4 - 5), Morris Jeff Community School experienced our first case of in-class, student-to-student COVID-19 transmission. Read the full letter here.


On Tuesday, January 21, 2020, teachers and support staff from Morris Jeff Community School and the school’s Board of Directors met separately to unanimously ratify their newly negotiated collective bargaining agreement (CBA). The agreement is the result of months of cooperative and constructive negotiations between the teachers and school administrators.


Morris Jeff Teachers Present Collective Bargaining Petition

(New Orleans – March 24, 2015) Teachers at Morris Jeff Community School today petitioned their administration and board to recognize the United Teachers of New Orleans as their representative and to begin negotiations on a collective bargaining agreement.

One of the driving forces behind their desire to unionize is a lack of job security at their charter school.

To read the full press release click here.