Bricolage Academy Educators United
Ratify their first contract
The contract marks major improvements in pay, retention of important parental leave policies, clear methods for collaboration to problem solve and constantly improve education in the school
Bricolage Academy Educators United, a chapter of the United Teachers of New Orleans, ratified their first collective bargaining agreement April 12, 2024. The Contract was ratified by the Bricolage Board on April 8th, 2024.
BAE-United members are excited about the future of Bricolage with this agreement in place. This was an important opportunity to come together with our management to design how we can continue to set the bar high for a school culture where educators' time is valued and our students can be set up for success.
This contract includes major improvements as well as the retention in contract of policies which have made Bricolage a place where educators want to work for many years, including:
- Just cause and progressive discipline meaning there will be due process for educators in disciplinary matters after a probationary period.
- Retention of the 12 week paid parental leave policy.
- Increase from 4% to 6% retirement contributions.
- Protected planning time
- Protected duty free lunch
- Elimination of work beyond 40 hours per week
- Reduction in work days by agreeing to only 2 weeks of Professional Development for returning educators before students return
- Roll over of PTO days, and pay out of PTO at the employees daily rate of pay.
- Major increases to pay and to the stipend schedule
- Improvements to the health insurance offered.
- School Leadership committee and Labor management committee to collaborate on addressing issues and making improvements for students and educators alike.
- A grievance procedure which ends in neutral third party arbitration.
The Signed Collective Bargaining Agreement can be accessed here.